Every Student Deserves a Chance

I was substitute teaching today and something happened in my last hour class that upset me. I had just enough papers for all the students but no extras. There was a teacher’s assistant in the room and she wanted to know what they were working on. I offered her the teacher’s copy but she declined. Instead she walked over and took a student’s paper. I thought she would give it right back but she didn’t. After about 10 minutes the student looked at me imploringly. So I took the teacher’s copy over to her and asked if we could trade. She looked at me and said, “[student] never does his work. He just sits there. That’s why I took his paper.” I gave the paper back to the student. Wouldn’t you know, he did the work! I was angry afterwards but it’s not my place to say anything. She had access to the teacher’s copy so why take a student’s? Every student deserves a chance to learn.

4 thoughts on “Every Student Deserves a Chance

  1. So, as you don’t have an about page or anything, I’m putting this here. Between Lulu and I, we figured out a post for Blog For Mental Health 2013, and I went ahead and posted it and pledged everyone from Canvas. . . And then I failed to let you all know (it was only yesterday). In any case, I know you are busy with your new blog, which I am enjoying, but I still wanted to give you notification “officially.”

    I hope you are having a good weekend. Sending my love.

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